Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Most/Least Favorite Activity

My most favorite thing or activity that I liked doing is the power points. I liked doing them because they were really fun to do, and I have never ever done anything like it before. I also liked it because it was fun to put pictures of people that we wanted, and that we could make it something of our own. I really like when the slides came out in different ways like diamonds and in squares. So my favorite had to be the power points, and I recommend that you keep doing the power points with your other classes because they are really fun!

My most least favorite activity had to be the menu's because they were kind of boring to me. I didn't like to look for food on the internet, and type the menu out. I also didn't like doing the menu of the burgers over because that was the most boring thing that we have done. It was boring to change it into our own thing. That was something that was really boring and I don't recommend that you do it with other classes because its boring!

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